Emma Stevens and Rob Herrig


If an item is not in stock, we will issue the registrant a gift certificate, PER THEIR REQUEST, for redemption of the gift.

Add a gift message below or in your cart. Otherwise, "Best Wishes! Love, (your name)" will be included.

Gifts will be held for the couple to pick up. Select "registry gift" at the SHIPPING stage of checkout, and there will be no charge for us to hold the gifts. There is also an option for "local pickup" if you wish to pick up the gift.

Please be sure to use YOUR information at the shipping/billing section of checkout.

Questions? Call us at 229-219-7751.
Registrant Co-Registrant Created Event Date
Emma Stevens Rob Herrig July 22, 2020 September 26, 2020

Registrant: Emma Stevens

Co-Registrant: Rob Herrig

Created: July 22, 2020

Event Date: September 26, 2020

Line Title Image Price Wants Has Needs Cart
1 EMMA STEVENS - Skyros- 3521WH Cantaria Dinner White G-12
$45.00 12 12 0
2 EMMA STEVENS Skyros - 3522MS Cantaria Salad Morning Sky G-12
$35.00 12 12 0
3 EMMA STEVENS - Skyros- 3525WH Cantaria Cereal White G-12
$35.00 12 12 0
4 EMMA STEVENS - Skyros - Cantaria Everything Bowl White G-12
$42.00 12 12 0
5 Lismore Champagne Flute
$110.00 8 6 2
6 Hibiscus Bud Vase, Cobalt
$76.00 1 1 0
  • EMMA STEVENS - Skyros- 3521WH Cantaria Dinner White G-12


    Wants12 Has12 Needs0

  • EMMA STEVENS Skyros - 3522MS Cantaria Salad Morning Sky G-12


    Wants12 Has12 Needs0

  • EMMA STEVENS - Skyros- 3525WH Cantaria Cereal White G-12


    Wants12 Has12 Needs0

  • EMMA STEVENS - Skyros - Cantaria Everything Bowl White G-12


    Wants12 Has12 Needs0

  • Lismore Champagne Flute


    Wants8 Has6 Needs2

  • Hibiscus Bud Vase, Cobalt


    Wants1 Has1 Needs0

Note to Include with your Gift